18 Aug 2023

Good Morning, 


Before taking on the role as Chair the Committee discussed finances at length and have continued to do so.  Our pool hire costs have increased significantly due to the energy crisis, along with other fees and outgoings.  We have tried all we can to avoid increasing fees, however we have come to the point where we must.  

We have not increased fees since 2019, and did all we could to avoid raising them when fuel and food prices were through the roof earlier this year.  Fortunately, some items like fuel are coming down but sadly our pool costs have not.  To ensure the clubs future we must look at all our income streams, hence the importance of social fundraising events, sponsorship, funding and efficiencies.  With this in mind we have decided to increase the fees only marginally with the hope we can improve our cash flow through other means that don't hit the parents pockets.  


The increases will come into effect from September 2023 as we wanted to give you time to plan for this change. 


Development:  £44 to £47

B squad:          £65 to £69

A squad:          £75 to £80

Top squad:      £100 to £106

Club/Masters:  £39 to £41


Our other arms of the club, such as disability, and university payments are also under review.  Disability training schedules have been disrupted recently.  Therefore their fees will not be reviewed until the Autumn when we can assure them of consistent training and a fair offering for their fees.  


How can I reduce my fees?

As you are aware Teamipswich runs on volunteers. If you volunteer 25hrs per annum, you can reduce the fees by £5/month per family, offsetting the increases above and helping us grow Teamipswich. if you would be interested in doing this please contact Louise Peddelty on  [email protected] 

Thank you to all of you who already volunteer...without you we wouldn't exist. 


Help with fees

If the above causes you concern we do have a fund to support our swimmers and parents financially.  The policy is currently being reviewed by our Welfare officers who will be taking on the handling of such matters going forward, so they are fair, transparent but importantly, remain confidential.  The Committee and welfare officers understand the sensitivity around this matter but we really do not want any member of our Team or Community to not feel they can not swim because of cost.  If you would like further assistance you can speak to either of our welfare officers, Jess Hyland, Gavin Thain or Claire Pearson or alternatively email them on [email protected]  I can assure you any discussions will be kept confidential and dealt with sensitively.   


Thank you for all your support and understanding.


My inbox is always open so feel free to message with any concerns or comments.


For those swimmers and parents off to National Championships in the coming weeks...may I wish you all the very best of luck, you've done the hard work, now go show them! GO TEAM IPSWICH!


Sam Garnham


Teamipswich Swimming

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